Pickleball Paddle Reviews

Welcome to & the world of Pickleball!  | You have come to the right spot…

Pickleball is said to be one the fastest growing sports in the world and with good reason.  Pickleball provides amazing exercise (you get out what you put in) and you can exercise as hard as you want with less wear & tear as other sports.

There are good reasons why older & younger folks are picking up Pickleball in droves.  Who doesn’t want to have the best time playing competitively with friends?  How about making new friends?  Easy Parcheesi.

It’s surprising to play for hours while getting a huge workout without really paying attention to how you’re improving your aerobic system, muscle strength, cognitive balance, and body flexibility.  Wow…

Our mission at is to share our knowledge & passion for Pickleball with all levels of players.  We aspire to help Pickleball grow as a lifetime sport and wish to help others discover its astounding lifestyle & health benefits (mental, social & physical).

Our thorough research & reviews should help with your decision to pick the right Pickleball paddles, nets, balls, bags, apps and much more (at the right price) whether you are a recreational or tournament player.

Our review team is made of many different level players like yourself who want to get the most out of the game of Pickleball.  We all have caught the fever and want to share the incredible sense of well-being that Pickleball offers.

Feel free to sign up for our monthly Newsletter to receive important real-time information on the latest paddles & equipment in addition to manufacturer discounts, playing tips, drills and so much more.

What follows are our best Pickleball reviews & recommendations for 2024, with in-depth Pickleball paddle & equipment analysis for beginner, intermediate and advanced Pickleball players.

Keep on Pickling & please share this awesome sport with friends & family!